Purposes and Values

The Mission & Values of

New Hope Bible Fellowship

Our Mission Statement & Statement of Faith:

Our mission is to glorify God by: Connecting People to God, to Others, to Ministry, and to the Unchurched.  Thus empowering believers to become fully functioning disciples of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:20; Philemon 1:6)

Our Values are:

  1. Biblical Faithfulness: We make Scripture the final authority rather than church tradition. We seek to be innovative and flexible as long as we do not violate Scripture.
  2. Full devotion to Christ.  We believe that whole-hearted devotion to Jesus Christ is not only the biblical norm for the believer, but that anything less is sin in God’s eyes. Full devotion should be expected of and encouraged by every believer in the community. (Phil 2:1-11)
  3. We value the Holy Spirit and strive to be as the church in Thessalonica was, a model to all believers. (1 Thess. 1:7-8)
  4. A Commitment to Prayer: We believe that God desires His people to pray and that He hears and answers prayer (Matt 7:7-11; James 5:13-18). Therefore, the ministries and activities of this church will be characterized by a reliance on prayer in their conception, planning and execution.
  5. Authentic Holistic Worship.

We believe that man was made to worship God and that a primary responsibility of the individual and church corporately is to worship God in spirit and truth. We believe this worship should involve the whole person: body, emotions, intellect, and will. We also believe this worship is a lifestyle of obedience, not simply a once a week experience. (Psm 95:6, Jn 4:24)

6. Authenticity: Christ followers should manifest authenticity and yearn for continuous growth. (Eph. 4:25, Heb 12:1, Phil. 1:6)

7. We value Lost People as God Values Lost People: We believe that Jesus Christ died for all people thus making them valuable to God and therefore valuable to us. We spend time and energy on that which we value, so, we should spend time and energy pursuing lost people as Christ did when He was on earth.

8. Anointed teaching is the catalyst for personal and corporate transformation. (Rom. 12:7; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; James 1:23-25)

9. Excellence: We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people. Col. 3:23; Mal. 1:6-14)

10. Relevance: We believe that the church should be culturally relevant while remaining biblically pure. (1 Cor. 9:19-23)

11. Loving relationships: We believe loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life (1 Cor. 13, Lk 10:1, Jn 13:34-35)